Who can Rush?

  • Full-time Undergraduate Student

  • Intend to pursue a career in healthcare


  • Must have a 3.0 GPA

  • Complete the Recruitment Application

  • Must have three remaining semesters left in your time at Virginia Tech

How can you rush

  • Attend at least 1 Information & Meet the Brothers session

  • It is strongly recommended to attend as many Recruitment events as you can

Our Recruitment Process

  • At the start of the Fall and Spring semesters, we conduct an open recruitment process for prospective members interested in learning more about Mu Epsilon Delta and to potentially join our brotherhood. To be eligible for membership, you must attend at least one Information & Meet the Brother session. However, we encourage you to attend as many events as possible to connect with more of our members. Open Recruitment Week includes two Information & Meet the Brother sessions, one social event, and one professional development event.

  • At the conclusion of our 4-day open recruitment process, we will invite selected individuals to participate in our Closed Recruitment event. This event requires Business Professional Attire. All potential new members will receive detailed information about this event via email.

  • Our final round of recruitment will include interviews lasting 20 minutes each, and Business Professional Attire is required. These interviews provide an opportunity for our members to get to know the prospective new members on a deeper professional level and understand their passion for pursuing a career in healthcare.

  • Bid Day is a special event where we celebrate the acceptance of new members into Mu Epsilon Delta. It is a time to welcome those who have been selected to join our organization, marking the start of their journey with us. If you are not selected, we will notify you via email before the event, ensuring you are informed of your status ahead of the celebration.

9/16: Information Session Night 1 & Meet the Brothers

  • Location: TBA Time: 7pm

9/17: Information Session Night 1 & Meet the Brothers

  • Location: TBA Time: 7pm

9/18: Speed Networking (Business Professional Attire)

  • Location: TBA Time: 7pm

9/19: Trivia Night

  • Location: TBA Time: 7pm

9/20: Closed Recruitment TBA (Business Professional Attire)

Fall 2024 Recruitment Schedule


  • For the Information & Meet the Brothers sessions and the social recruitment event, casual clothing is appropriate. However, for the professional development event, Business Professional attire is required. If you have any questions, please contact us at Muepsilondeltavt@gmail.com.

  • If you are unable to attend both Information & Meet the Brothers sessions due to extenuating circumstances, please contact us at Muepsilondeltavt@gmail.com to discuss potential accommodations.

  • Yes! Since all first-semester freshmen do not have an official GPA at Virginia Tech you are still eligible to join. You must have a 3.0 GPA by the end of your first semester to continue your membership in Mu Epsilon Delta.

  • For updates on recruitment events and other activities hosted by our chapter, please visit our Instagram page. You may also join our email list form under our LinkTree. If you have any questions please reach out to our email at Muepsilondeltavt@gmail.com